December 19, 2019 | 16:20 - Regulatory Directed placement of 13.5 MSEK in cash; Jörgen Olsson nominated Chairman
December 19, 2019 | 16:20 - Regulatory Riktad kontantemission om 13,5 MSEK; Jörgen Olsson nominerad till ordförande
November 20, 2019 | 16:35 - Regulatory The Supreme Administrative Court rules in favour of Copperstone and Sandberget 500
November 20, 2019 | 16:35 - Regulatory Högsta Förvaltningsdomstolen beslutar till förmån för Copperstone och Sandberget 500
November 1, 2019 | 12:55 - Regulatory Viscaria A-zon: VDD0203 påträffar 20m @1,27% Cu, inkluderande 5m @2,99% Cu. VDD0204 påträffar 18m @1,18% Cu, inkluderande 3m @3,28% Cu. Betydande potential för kobolt och guld konstaterad
November 1, 2019 | 12:55 - Regulatory Viscaria A-zone drillings: VDD0203 returns 20m @1.27% Cu, including 5m @2.99% Cu. VDD0204 returns 18m @1.18% Cu, including 3m @3.28% Cu. Significant potential for cobalt and gold.
October 18, 2019 | 17:12 - Regulatory Kärnborrningar på Viscaria: VDD0201 påträffar 15m @ 0,73% Cu och 6m @ 1,45% Cu utanför befintlig mineralresurs
October 18, 2019 | 17:12 - Regulatory Viscaria Drillings – VDD0201 returns 15m @ 0.73% Cu and 6m @ 1.45% Cu outside the Mineral Resource Boundary
September 26, 2019 | 16:20 - Non Regulatory Kammarrätten beslutar till förmån för Copperstone och Sandberget 500
September 7, 2019 | 20:30 - Regulatory Riktad emission och lånekonverteringar till aktier om 13,6 MSEK
August 13, 2019 | 19:25 - Non Regulatory Dom i Förvaltningsrätten avslår överklagandet mot Sandberget 500
July 10, 2019 | 15:05 - Regulatory Copperstone’s rights issue fully subscribed; improves the financial position by SEK 24 million
July 10, 2019 | 15:05 - Regulatory Copperstones företrädesemission fulltecknad; förbättrar finansiell position med 24 MSEK
June 20, 2019 | 17:28 - Non Regulatory Kontrakterar Kati Oy för 8.000 meter kärnborrning på Viscaria i Kiruna
June 20, 2019 | 17:25 - Non Regulatory Kati Oy signed to diamond drill 8,000 metres at Viscaria in Kiruna
June 12, 2019 | 18:40 - Non Regulatory Divests the shareholding in NIO, receives 4.5 MSEK; retains convertibles of 7.1 MSEK
June 6, 2019 | 21:30 - Regulatory Företrädesemission om cirka 24 MSEK, åtaganden och garantier om 70%
June 6, 2019 | 21:30 - Regulatory Copperstone announces rights issue of approx. MSEK 24; commitments and guarantees 70%
May 10, 2019 | 07:15 - Non Regulatory The Swedish Parliament wants to shorten permit lead times in the Mines and Minerals industry
May 3, 2019 | 08:30 - Non Regulatory Copperstone to present at Aktiespararna’s Small Cap Day and German Mining Network’s Mining Placement Days
March 21, 2019 | 12:15 - Non Regulatory Company announcement – Updated information on Mineral Resources
February 21, 2019 | 21:30 - Regulatory INTERIM QUARTERLY REPORT (Q418) OCTOBER 1st 2018 TO DECEMBER 31st 2018