A Nomination Committee is appointed each year by the largest shareholders in accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee adopted by the Annual General Meeting. The instruction applies until the Annual General Meeting decides otherwise. According to the instructions for the Nomination Committee, the Nomination Committee shall, prior to the Annual General Meeting or, where applicable, to the Extraordinary General Meeting, propose the following:
- proposals for members of the Board of Directors;
- proposal for Board fees;
- proposal for auditor;
- proposal for auditor’s fees;
- proposal for Chairman of the Annual General Meeting; and
- proposal for instructions/guidelines for the appointment of the Nomination Committee.
Nomination Committee 2023/2024
The Nomination Committee, appointed in accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee, consists of representatives from the three largest shareholders in Viscaria as of September 1 each year, which in 2023 is as follows:
- Håkan Eriksson (JOHECO AB), Chairman of the Nomination Committee
- Thomas von Koch (TomEnterprise AB)
- Håkan Roos (RoosGruppen AB)
Per Colleen, Chairman of the Board of Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria, participates as convener in the work of the Nomination Committee and coordinates the exchange of information between the Nomination Committee and the Board.