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Business idea and vision

Business idea

Identifying and developing mineral resources in the Nordic region and producing base and precious metals in consultation with the local community in a long-term and sustainable manner.


Our goal is to create the best possible conditions for Viscaria to evolve into a sustainable and profitable mining operation. Furthermore, we continuously evaluate other mining development projects in the Nordic region.

A common set of values

Our strong culture and clear values drive us forward and make us stand out from others.

Viscaria is a value-driven company with a strong corporate culture. We are convinced that this unique culture nourish the conditions for both us and our employees to achieve our ambitious goals. As we grow and attract more employees, we need to continue to develop and strengthen this work. In 2023, we have therefore developed a common set of values that describe how we act in different situations.

Courageous & Focused
Courageous & Focused
  • We develop and test new ideas
  • We are persistent in our pursuit of a common goal
  • We adapt to and overcome challenges
Authentic & Responsible
  • We are open about our strategy and agenda
  • We develop and support society
  • We create a sustainable business with balanced solutions
Learning & Succeeding Together
  • We show empathy and mutual trust
  • We have inclusive and open-minded teams
  • We put safety first and have fun at work