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The Swedish Parliament wants to shorten permit lead times in the Mines and Minerals industry

Non Regulatory

Danderyd May 10, 2019

The Swedish Parliament has granted the motion raised by its Committee on Industry and Trade that the Swedish Government asap should take necessary actions in the intention of shortening and smoothening the lead times of processes within the Mines and Minerals Industry.

The Committee on Industry and Trade, in its motion emphasised that Sweden has to engage on an active mineral politics in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish Mines and Mineral’s industry. By doing so, Sweden could retain and strengthen its position as EU’s leading mining nation. Swedish natural resources should be exploited in a sustainable way, with special concern to ecological, social and cultural dimensions, so that Nature and Culture environments are preserved and developed. A competitive mining industry creates job opportunities and also a living country side. The processes lead times today within permits are considered to be extended over time, as well as allocated among different authorities.

”Sweden is renowned as a superior mining jurisdiction, in terms of geology, health, safety, environment, production efficiency, competence and infrastructure. Today’s decision in the Swedish Parliament with a clear aim to enabling shorter and smoother lead times regarding permitting processes within the Mines and Minerals industry, could ultimately prove to secure and strengthen the competitiveness in Swedish mining and among others attract and retain foreign direct investments. The effect for Copperstone’s projects as well as the multiplicator effect from a micro perspective would be substantial, implying significant additional employment opportunities in the local community for every future miner employed.”, comments CEO Michael Mattsson.

For further information, please contact CEO Michael Mattsson, +46 705 739 777,, or visit the Copperstone website at

This information was submitted for publication, through the above contact person’s agency, 07:15 CEST on May 10, 2019.

About Copperstone

Copperstone is a public company trading as COPP B on NASDAQ First North (Stockholm). The Certified Adviser is Augment Partners AB,, +46 8 505 65 172. The Company is focused on base and precious metal exploration in the vicinity of the internationally recognized mining districts of Kiruna and the Skellefte-field in northern Sweden. In addition, the Company also owns an exploitation concession and an exploration permit in the Bergslagen mining region, in central Sweden.


