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The Viscaria mine was previously in operation during the 1980s and 1990s but closed when the demand for copper decreased shortly before the turn of the millennium. Since then, needs have changed; society is transitioning towards renewable energy sources, and metals are a key factor in that transition.



Brownfield area, underground mine

Processing concession, environmental permit received May 2024

Known assets:
93 million tonnes of copper-bearing rock

Cu-Fe (Copper-Iron)

Viscaria - a restart with a dream location.

Since the 1990s, global demand for copper has doubled, indicating renewed interest in Viscaria’s assets. Previous exploration data suggested that the Viscaria deposit held 3 million tons of copper-bearing rock. Recent exploration drillings indicate that Viscaria contains 93 million tons of copper-bearing rock and is projected to initially produce approximately 30,000 tons of copper per year. Domestic demand for locally produced copper in Europe is expected to rise. With the reopening of the Viscaria Mine, it has the potential to become one of the largest copper producers in Northern Europe.