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Sustainable business operations

An important prerequisite for conducting responsible mining is that it is carried out in an economically sustainable manner and that there are procedures and processes in place to make this possible.

Employing a skilled workforce

As Viscaria’s operations develop and mining production begins, we need to recruit more employees for the company. We also face the challenge of finding the right expertise to start a modern and sustainable mine in Kiruna. Therefore, it is important for Viscaria to work early on to be an attractive employer and establish a strong brand, both locally and nationally. The goal is to create an employment offer with favourable working conditions and lifestyle packages for future employees. This also means offering internships or thesis projects to attract students and recent graduates to the company.

Laws and regulations

It is a given for Viscaria that laws and regulations are followed. Sweden has strict regulations and requirements concerning mining, and we appreciate that. These regulations ensure that mines in Sweden operate at the highest possible standards regarding the environment, safety, and working conditions. Viscaria reports mineral resources and reserves according to PERC 2017 to ensure a balanced assessment of the company’s deposits.