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Promoting biodiversity

During contract procurement, biodiversity needs to be taken into account. Our ambition is to influence how the entire supply chain addresses this issue.

Främja biologisk mångfald

Conditions for biodiversity

Through ecological compensation and habitat restoration, Viscaria works to minimize its impact on wildlife and nature while also contributing to increasing the chances of survival for endangered species. As a member of SveMin, we can actively contribute to improving the conditions for biodiversity and be a driving force in developing useful valuation models. Already today, we are gathering relevant data to ensure that habitats affected by the mine are adequately compensated for or restored. Even in procurement contracts where the risk of impact is deemed significant, biodiversity is considered, and Viscaria’s ambition is to influence how the entire supply chain addresses this issue.

External demands are increasing

Our environmental analysis indicates that demands for companies’ efforts in biodiversity are escalating. These demands partly stem from the EU taxonomy, while larger institutional investors also impose increasingly stringent requirements regarding awareness and action plans. For us at Viscaria, it is therefore crucial to have a clear stance on the matter from the outset and work to maintain the biodiversity present in the area.