Copperstone Resources AB (publ) (the “Company”) has today on 27 September 2023 at 15:00 p.m. held an extraordinary general meeting at the offices of Hannes Snellman Attorneys, Hamngatan 15, SE-111 47 Stockholm.
A summary of the resolutions passed by the meeting is presented below. The resolutions were adopted unanimously.
Remuneration to the board of directors
The extraordinary general meeting resolved, for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting and distributed pro rata from and including the extraordinary general meeting, that (i) the annual remuneration to the chairman of the board of directors shall be SEK 300,000, (ii) the annual remuneration to members of the Company’s audit committee shall be SEK 25,000 per committee member, and (iii) the annual remuneration to members of the Company’s remuneration committee shall be SEK 10,000 per committee member. The resolution was made in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal.
Election of new member of the board of directors
The extraordinary general meeting resolved, for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting, that the board of directors shall consist of eight (8) board members, including the chairman of the board of directors.
It was resolved, for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting, to elect Henrik Ager as new member of the board of directors. In connection with this item on the agenda, the meeting was informed that the board of directors of the Company, in accordance with a previously concluded pre-emption agreement, had repurchased 9,000,000 of the 10,000,000 warrants acquired by Henrik Ager as CEO. The pre-emption agreement for the remaining warrants is now being adapted for the board assignment. In accordance with the previously concluded pre-emption agreement, the repurchase is made to a certain discount and the warrants repurchased will be cancelled.
The resolutions were made in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal.
Guidelines for remuneration to senior executives
The extraordinary general meeting resolved to adopt guidelines for remuneration to senior executives. The resolution was made in accordance with the board of directors’ proposal.
Instruction for the nomination committee
The extraordinary general meeting resolved to adopt an updated instruction for and appointment of the nomination committee. The resolution was made in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal.
For further information, please contact:
Jörgen Olsson, CEO and board member
Telephone: +46 (0) 703-420 570
Email: or