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10th April, 2018

The Board of Copperstone Resources AB (publ) (the “Company” or ”Copperstone”) is pleased to announce that Nordic Iron Ore AB (publ) (”NIO” or “Nordic Iron Ore”) is preparing a market listing of their shares (the “Listing”). Copperstone currently holds 11.157.684 shares in NIO, corresponding to approximately 10.2 percent of the total shares in Nordic Iron Ore.

The Board of Copperstone will propose to its Annual General Meeting 2018 to make a resolution regarding a pro-rata distribution in kind, to the Copperstone shareholders, of the Company’s holdings in Nordic Iron Ore. Tentatively, every twenty two (22) shares in Copperstone will entitle to one (1) share of Nordic Iron Ore. In addition, the Board of Copperstone has agreed to convert 50% of the Company’s loan including accrued interest (as per today’s date the total loan amounts to approx. 16.102 MSEK) (the “Loan”) into new shares in Nordic Iron Ore at the price 0.50 SEK per share (the “Converted Shares”), equivalent to the price in NIO’s recently announced preferential rights issue.

This conversion is conditioned upon a resolution from the General Meeting to be held in NIO. The Converted Shares will be placed in conjunction with the Listing. The remaining 50% of the Loan, including accrued interest, has been re-negotiated into a two-year convertible loan with a conversion price of 1 SEK per share in NIO, equivalent to the exercise price of the warrants to be issued in NIO’s preferential rights issue. The annual interest rate amounts to 5.5%. Between year one and two, Copperstone may call upon conversion of the convertible loan and accrued interest into shares, and NIO may, also between year one and two, call to repay the convertible loan, and Copperstone is in such case entitled to opt for shares or cash. At maturity, NIO may call on conversion. For more information regarding Nordic Iron Ore, the background and reasons for the Listing, as well as the proposed rights issue, please refer to

”Nordic Iron Ore is an exciting company that has taken substantial steps forward towards a re-opening of the Ludvika mines and the production of high grade iron ore. Copperstone is consistently focusing more at its core business of the Copperstone project in Norrbotten, and consequently a distribution in kind of the NIO holding to our shareholders, followed by a capitalisation and listing of NIO is a logical next step and the best solution for the future of both Copperstone and NIO. Through the proposed transactions, Copperstone shareholders will initially receive an additional 10% of NIO, Copperstone will receive cash and at the same time retain a significant interest in NIO through the remaining bond loan being re-negotiated into a convertible loan with a significant option value”, comments Copperstone Chairman Michael Mattsson.

For further information, please contact Chris McKnight (CEO) at +46(0)580-88890, Michael Mattsson (Chairman) +46 705 739 777, or refer to Copperstone webpage:

This press release contains insider information which Copperstone Resources AB (publ) is obliged to publish according to the EU market abuse regulation (MAR). The information was delivered by the above mentioned contact for publishing 10th April 2018 at 0800 CET.

About Copperstone

Copperstone is a public company trading as COPP B on NASDAQ First North (Stockholm). The Certified Adviser is Augment Partners AB. The Company is focused on base and precious metal exploration in the vicinity of the internationally recognized mining region of the Skellefte-field in northern Sweden. The Copperstone project is situated on four contiguous exploration permits in Norrbotten County (Sandberget 100 (8074ha), Sandberget 200 (19ha), Sandberget 300 (19ha) and Svartliden 1001 (444ha). In addition the Company owns one exploitation concession within the same area, namely Svartliden K no. 1 (36ha) and an approved application for Eva k no. 1 (34ha) subject to an objection. The Company also owns the Tvistbogruvan K no. 1 (11ha) exploitation concession and the Såggården no. 1 (199ha) exploration permit in the Bergslagen mining region of central Sweden. Quoted surface areas are approximate to the nearest hectare. All exploration permits and exploitation concessions are 100% owned, either directly or through a subsidiary.

About NIO

NIO is a mining company aiming at reopening and developing the iron ore production in the main Ludvika mines Blötberget and Håksberg. Moreover NIO intends to expand its mineral resources and upgrade them to iron ore reserves, mostly through prospecting and study of the Väsman-field, connecting the two main mines.